Feb 19, 2018 | 1. Agile Basics
Changing is hard thing. When it has to do with changing your management and leadership styles, it gets even more challenging. I’ve found that anchoring in my mind a simple statement which summarizes a set of (great) principles is a very effective way to...
Dec 17, 2017 | 2. Scaling Agile
Lean and Agile are great approaches to increase effectiveness in Product Development and in Project/Program Management. What could be the most important things to do, to improve the development of your products and services? [When you will have finished to read this...
Jan 17, 2017 | 1. Agile Basics
When you dig into this topic, you find tons of discussions and debates about what metrics and KPIs to use when “running” Agile and if they are helpful or misleading. This post wants to explain when and what KPIs can be used, to lead your team towards...
Jan 8, 2017 | 2. Scaling Agile
In my previous post I explained some of the foundemantals steps for implementing an Agile and Lean Portfolio Management. Want to know how actually strategy drives execution of company Big Initiatives, through Agile and Lean?! In my previous post I wrote why Agile/Lean...
Nov 26, 2016 | 1. Agile Basics
Every new user story presented to the team for development, must be accompanied with a set of user acceptance criteria which can drive development and testing. ——————– Acceptance criteria is a great tool to ensure that the...
Oct 19, 2016 | 1. Agile Basics
Everything in nature tries to maintain its equilibrium status. Everything in nature tries to maximize benefits, against costs. Change is “expensive”. Modifying any habit, approach, behavior, does cost. It costs money for organizations, it costs energy for...