Be adaptable
be dynamic
stay agile

Build resilience and innovation capabilities
to turn market disruptions into
competitive advantage


Recent Post

The Evolving Landscape of Agile Skills – Key Takeaways from the 2023 Report

The Evolving Landscape of Agile Skills – Key Takeaways from the 2023 Report

New technologies, workplace approaches, and economic shifts have largely impacted the world of work. More human skills are requested (e.g.,...
Implementing OKRs: 8 Pitfalls you need to avoid

Implementing OKRs: 8 Pitfalls you need to avoid

This post shares ideas that shed light on key missteps that could occur during the implementation of Objective and Key...
On Utopias and Stories as bridges to the future

On Utopias and Stories as bridges to the future

Get ready for faster change. To thrive today, organizations need bold thinking and exciting stories that spark innovation. This article...
Enhance Coaching: Agile Requirements Simulator with ChatGPT

Enhance Coaching: Agile Requirements Simulator with ChatGPT

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools: how ChatGPT can make new Product Owners' learning curve a bit less steep...
Change is not merely necessary to life – it is life

Change is not merely necessary to life – it is life

The world is in a state of constant flux, a dynamic sequence of unpredictable events having a pace of change...
The GenAI Augmented Worker

The GenAI Augmented Worker

Generative AI has standard use cases in generating novel, human-like text, image, video, and code. These applications empower businesses with...
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It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.

Charles Darwin


Press Area

Quando l’urgenza del cambiamento diventa un acceleratore della Agilità Aziendale

Quando l’urgenza del cambiamento diventa un acceleratore della Agilità Aziendale

La lezione più importante che questa pandemia ci sta insegnando è che l’urgenza di cambiare, sommata ad un atteggiamento continuo...
Business Agility: come cavalcare l’onda della discontinuità dei mercati

Business Agility: come cavalcare l’onda della discontinuità dei mercati

Il morphing è un effetto speciale usato nell’animazione grafica, che modifica gradualmente un’immagine o forma di partenza, in un’altra di...
Manager non abbiate paura. Agile non sottrae potere, lo moltiplica

Manager non abbiate paura. Agile non sottrae potere, lo moltiplica

Gli approcci tradizionali, ormai arcaici, di management per il governo e la gestione delle aziende, sono ancora oggi molto in...
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To improve is to change;
to be perfect is to change often

Winston Churchill

About the author


Enthusiast and passionate Agile Coach, Executive and Blogger, with more than 25 years of experience in the IT and Consulting sectors, with a strong background in Software Engineering and possessing relevant professional certifications (SAFe, Scrum, Nexus, LeSS, DAD, Agile Leadership, Business Agility, Agile HR, Org Design, PMI, ADKAR).