Be adaptable
be dynamic
stay agile

Build resilience and innovation capabilities
to turn market disruptions into
competitive advantage


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Three Lean Portfolio Management practices your organization should adopt – Now

Three Lean Portfolio Management practices your organization should adopt – Now

We think to Portfolio Management as a trampoline. A powerful sling, able to impress tremendous acceleration to selected strategic and...
“Predicting” Disruptions: interpreting Weak Signals through Agile

“Predicting” Disruptions: interpreting Weak Signals through Agile

Being able to detect weak signals can make the difference between Surviving and Thriving. Want to know how Agile and...
How Agile and Design Thinking could help you design your Strategy

How Agile and Design Thinking could help you design your Strategy

Strategy, traditionally, was always formulated at the top, communicated to the whole company, then executed by employees.
How Agile and Lean Experiments can make you “see”​ through Complexity

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The six superpowers an Agile Leader should have

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Urgency boosts Agility: one important lesson this pandemic is teaching us

Urgency boosts Agility: one important lesson this pandemic is teaching us

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It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.

Charles Darwin


Press Area

Organizzazioni più reattive e agili con il modello Spotify

Organizzazioni più reattive e agili con il modello Spotify

Rivoluzione digitale e innovazione tecnologica si sono estese ad ogni settore del mondo del lavoro. Solo aziende capaci di ascoltare...
State of Flow: incrementare produttività e agilità nelle organizzazioni

State of Flow: incrementare produttività e agilità nelle organizzazioni

Leadership, agilità e innovazione nell’era digitale

Leadership, agilità e innovazione nell’era digitale

La lebbra è un’infezione a lungo termine che attacca la pelle e il sistema nervoso periferico. La malattia causa, tra...
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To improve is to change;
to be perfect is to change often

Winston Churchill

About the author


Enthusiast and passionate Agile Coach, Executive and Blogger, with more than 25 years of experience in the IT and Consulting sectors, with a strong background in Software Engineering and possessing relevant professional certifications (SAFe, Scrum, Nexus, LeSS, DAD, Agile Leadership, Business Agility, Agile HR, Org Design, PMI, ADKAR).