Speech title: “La Business Agility – Trasformare le discontinuità dei mercati in vantaggio competitivo”
Event: 2021, Dev 1st, SAM Meetup
Speech title: “La Business Agility – Trasformare le discontinuità dei mercati in vantaggio competitivo”
Event: 2021, Apr 20th, PMI-CIC Event
Speech title: “Seeing through Complexity”
Event: 2021, Feb 23th, AgileTalks & Codemotion Meetup
Speech title: “Business Agility Transformations”
Event: 2021, Feb 5th, Agile Lean Tuscany 1To1
Speech title: “Agili team stabili e di lunga durata: tra mito e realtà”
Event: 2020, Feb 28th, Agile Venture Milano
Speech title: “Agile Addiction”
Event: 2019, Jun 14th, Agile For Italy Meetup
Speech title: “Leading4Innovation”
Event: 2019, March 14th, Agile for Innovation
Speech title: “On Risks and Agile approaches”
Event: Italian Agile Days 2019
Speech title: “Bridging the Gap”
Event: Agile Business Day 2018, Venezia
Speech title: “XLR8 (accelerate) your Agile Transformations”
Event: Italian Agile Days 2017
Speech title: “La resilienza: il collante di un team Agile”
Event: Italian Agile Days 2015